Jiangxi Pengze 10,000 tons of cotton unsold cotton merchants speculation cited market ups and downs

On June 28, Liu Guanning, a cotton merchant at Hushan Village, Furong Township, Pengze County, looked at the cotton bales that had accumulated in the warehouse and was worried. Due to the bad cotton market, Liu Guanning still has a backlog of nearly 60 tons of lint, and if it fails to sell it, it will lose more than 100,000 yuan. Loans to banks will not be returned.

Pengze is known as the “Northwest Cotton Township” and is the national high-quality cotton base county. The cotton industry is the county’s pillar industry and the main source of income for local farmers. Last year, the county planted more than 235,000 acres of cotton, 280,000 farmers, and 470,000 seeds. Recently, many farmers told reporters that due to the market, more than 10,000 tons of cotton in the county were unsalable and suffered heavy losses.

Farmers: After skyrocketing, they fell sharply. From September to November of last year, the price of cottonseeds fluctuated severely and experienced three ups and downs. At the peak, it was RMB 14 per kilogram. After November last year, the price "roller coaster" dropped sharply, and now it is still not sold at 8 yuan per kilogram.

Lake Township, Furong Town has nearly 20,000 mu of cotton fields and about 60 farmers. Liu Liujiu, a villager, has been planting cotton for more than 10 years and has an annual income of nearly 30,000 yuan. Last year he planted about 10 acres of cotton fields, and the yield per mu was 200 kg. This year, we feel that there will be changes in the cotton market, so only about 8 acres are planted. Facing the downturn in the cotton market this year, Liu Sixi sighs that it is difficult to sell cotton. According to reports, at the beginning of this year, seed cotton sold at 12 yuan per kilogram, and the villagers thought that the price of cotton would rise, so they had been waiting for it. I did not expect the price of cotton to drop suddenly, as low as 8 yuan per kilogram. In desperation, the villagers had to put a lot of cotton in their homes and wait for them to run.

Cotton trader: Cotton does not sell well, and he cannot afford to return home. Liu Liujiu is not only a cotton farmer, but also partners with others to run a cotton processing factory in the town. The dismal cotton market has caused him to suffer. At the beginning of this year, the sales price of lint was 28,000 yuan per ton, which could not be processed due to late processing and was basically not sold. At first, he collected 150,000 kilograms of cotton at a price of 11 yuan per kilogram and processed it into 180 tons of lint. According to last year's market, it was able to sell 27,000 yuan per ton, but now it can only be sold at a price of 21,000 yuan, and it is still sold on credit. Even so, he sold more than 120 tons, and there are more than 60 tons of backlog.

In order to purchase cotton, Liu Sixi made a loan of several hundred thousand yuan from the bank. Liu Sixu said that he not only lost more than 100,000 yuan in the cotton business, but also repayed the loan interest, which was a "double loss." All the cotton traders have lost money this year, and lost the most powerful loss of nearly one million yuan.

The cotton trader Liu Guanning complained that many cotton merchants were afraid to return even if they lost home. In April of this year, he bought 90 tons of cotton at a price of 28,000 yuan per ton, and eventually sold nearly 30 tons at a price of 21,000 yuan per ton. There are still more than 60 tons of backlog in the warehouse. No way, he had to let friends in Hunan and Anhui help sell cotton, but they also expressed difficulties.

Investigate the reason: The market fluctuates, the cotton farmer hits Gao Peixi, the head of the economic crop station of the Pengze County Agriculture Bureau, and thinks that there are more than 10,000 tons of cotton unsalable. The price fluctuation is the main reason.

At the beginning of this year, the cotton market was confusing. The cotton traders unilaterally pursued the maximization of their profits and pushed the price of cotton blindly. The highest seed cotton price reached 14 yuan per kilogram, while the lint price reached nearly 30,000 yuan per ton, causing the falsification of the cotton market. Farmers expect higher prices and large amounts of accumulated cotton. , lint, so that cotton prices are now falling, cotton has no place to sell.

Gao Peixi said that most of the farmers who have accumulated large amounts of cotton have not joined the cooperatives, and the cotton farmers who joined the association basically sold the cotton.

Fang Jiangtao of the Pengze County Bureau of Agriculture believes that the local cotton cooperatives have not formed an effective working mechanism. Many cotton farmers and cotton traders have not joined the club and “go it alone”, and the hot money cannot be effectively managed and used. The local cotton industry did not form a joint force under the guidance of the cooperatives, lacked competitiveness, and lost the right to speak in terms of prices. At the same time, they are not sure about the market conditions, and take it for granted that prices are soaring, and they are not prepared for the possible decline in prices.

Problem-solving: smooth information sources, build a regional market for the recent situation in Pengze County, the cotton market is in a depressed state, the local agricultural sector believes that although the agricultural sector to perform the duties are to provide technical guidance, increase crop yields, popularize agricultural technology knowledge, etc. However, the circulation of cotton will in turn greatly affect cotton cultivation. Gao Peixi said that cotton acquisition and sales are the circulation links, and safeguarding the interests of cotton traders is not the responsibility of the agricultural sector. However, if the cotton merchants purchase a large amount of lint that was purchased last year, it will greatly affect the listing of cotton in September this year, making cotton the following year. Planting is no small hit.

Pengze County Bureau of Agriculture is trying its best to find ways to get cotton farmers and cotton traders out of trouble. Fang Jiangtao believes that it is imperative to build a smooth and effective information channel. The relevant functional departments should actively collect information from farmers, help cotton companies understand the needs of enterprises, actively contact manufacturers, help with sales, and solve people's sales difficulties. At the same time pay attention to changes in the international market in order to timely release information to cotton farmers and cotton traders.

Gao Peixi also believes that the timely collection and release of information is crucial. He said that in the short term, cotton prices will not be good, if the price is reasonable, cotton traders should try to sell, not all hoarding in their hands. In order to ease the situation of cotton merchants with more than 10,000 tons of lint-smuggling, the local agricultural department has been running around and actively contacted Zhejiang merchants. At the same time, the Poyang Lake Cotton Exchange Market project has been submitted and is awaiting approval. The current cotton trading market is constrained by conditions and has limited effects. Therefore, Peng Ze conceived that in the next few years, an inter-provincial large-scale cotton trading market will be formed. By then, cotton will be sold here in all parts of Jiangxi as well as in the southern provinces. This will save costs, warehouses, logistics, and other resources, and will also contribute to the formation of stability. The market price.

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