High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Film-mulching Potato Interplanting with Maize

Film-mulching potato interplanting maize cultivation mode is one of the main high-yield and high-efficiency cultivation modes promoted by Weinan City in recent years. In the middle of April, when the temperature is stable at 10 to 12°C, maize can be interplanted. First, the selection of improved varieties: corn selection of late-maturing thinning, disease resistance, high yield, lodging resistance and other varieties. Second, planting specifications: in the middle of the furrow ditch planting a row of corn, spacing 22 to 25 cm, 2 to 3 corn per hole. Third, field management (1) Miaomiao Miao: After the emergence of corn to check seedlings, fill the seedlings to ensure the seedlings are full, Miao Zhuang lay the foundation for high yield. (2) Fertilizer and water management: The pre-management is based on potato. The medium-term management is dominated by corn, maize is combined with cultivating soil, and mu is used for cultivating 20 kg of urea. During the tasseling period, 0.2 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 0.2 kg of zinc sulfate is sprayed for 1 or 2 times (they cannot be mixed) to supplement the nutrition of the later period. insufficient. (3) Pest control: In the middle and late stages of potato growth, 28-star omethoate was sprayed and sprayed at a rate of 1000 times. To control underground pests such as cockroaches, cockroaches, golden beetles, and ground tigers, use 2% to 3 kg of 3% zinc-phosprate granules per acre and mix poisonous soils at a ratio of 1:10 to the soil-to-ceiling ratio. Disperse evenly on the surface of the soil. Maize pest control. If there is corn leaf spot or small spot disease, use 50% carbendazim WP or 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 500 times spray. In the middle and late stages of corn borer growth, use 50% zinc-phosphorus emulsifiable concentrate 500 to 1000 times liquid core, or use zinc pyrithione EC 1 kg, 15 kg sand, dubbed 1.6% of zinc thiophosphate poisonous sand, in corn At the end of the leaf stage, 25 kg of poisonous sand is applied to the bell mouth per acre. Fourth, timely harvest: The adoption of this cultivation technology can advance the time to market for potatoes. Potatoes can be harvested and marketed in late April, and corn is harvested in mid-and late August.

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