The key to high yield of late waxy wheat

Since the sowing date is late, wheat varieties should be selected for weak spring or spring varieties, such as new wheat varieties Yumai 34 (formerly Zhengnong 7), Yumai 49 and Yumai 50.

Scientific fertilization should be re-applied organic fertilizer, increase the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application. Each acre should be applied organic fertilizer 3000 ~ 5000 kg, while applying 50 kg of calcium phosphate, ammonium phosphate 70 kg as a base fertilizer, to ensure that the early seedlings to reach the seedlings early standards. In addition, in the scientific application of base fertilizer, straw returned to the field, the application of organic fertilizer on the basis of application of fertilizer, generally urea per acre and diammonium phosphate each 1.5 kg. In order to prevent the “burning” of fertilizers, it is necessary to sow the fertilizer first, and then sow the seeds. Do not sow the seed and the seed fertilizer together. Late sowing of wheat leaves less overwintering, healthy root formation is late, early application of wax fertilizer, before the end of December combined with cultivator loose soil roots, apply about 2,500 kg of ash per acre to prevent freezing seedlings.

Increase the amount of sowing should increase the amount of sowing, to make up for the evening. Late-seeding wheat grows slowly and has fewer tillers, so it is necessary to take the main stem and panicles as the main ones for high yield. The sowing rate per acre can be appropriately increased to 9-15 kilograms.

Immersion seed germination For the late sowing of wheat, before sowing, the wheat seeds can be soaked in warm water for about 2 hours, and then germinated at 20°C~25°C for 24 hours. After the seeds are sucked in water, they are removed and piled into 30 cm thick. The seeds are piled up and turned several times a day until the embryos are solitary. For the land where the soil pests are heavier, pesticide seed dressing is also required.

Appropriate shallow sowing late buckwheat sowing should not be too deep, generally not more than 3 cm. The thicker the seed coating, the lower the ground temperature and the slower the emergence. If the lye is better, shallow sowing of 2 to 3 centimeters can make full use of the surface temperature of the sun, prompting seed to emerge quickly. In addition, appropriate repression after sowing can make wheat emerge in advance for 2 to 4 days.

If there is sufficient moisture in the cultivating and warm winter, the wheat can still grow slowly. Therefore, if the weather is dry before the winter, sowing the wheat must be watered once, and the cultivator should raise the ground temperature in time to make it grow continuously.
Phosphorus sprayed on the leaves with strong phosphorus spray has obvious effect on increasing grain and increasing grain weight. In the booting stage and before and after the heading, spraying 2 to 3 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or superphosphate solution, spraying once every 5 to 7 days, spray a total of 2 or 3 times.

The returning green heavy pipe delays the spring returning to green and fast in the spring. When the fertilizer and water are abundant, the leaf output speed is quicker, and often the tillers soar and the leaves prosper, leading to poor ventilation conditions in the wheat fields. Therefore, joint-fertilizer can not be applied too early. In early spring, it is only appropriate to make proper fertilizer application to the particularly poorly growing fields or spots. During the extension period from 1 to 2 knots between the returning green period and the base section, it is best to prevent the wheat seedlings from growing too profusely, and it is best to gently suppress them once with a rake before returning to the green and control the postharvest childbirth, promote the growth of the big pods, and accelerate the demise of the small and medium delivery. In order to improve the ventilation conditions of the population, the base of the seedlings of the wheat seedlings will be stout, and the resistance to lodging will be enhanced. For the prosperous young wheat seedlings, spraying a booster ingredient at the beginning of March was controlled. Fertilizer application should be timely and appropriate, and with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the time is not earlier than the end of February, urea per acre can not exceed 7.5 kg.

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