Great Summer Health Remember Six Tips, Sleep, Get Up Early, Lunch Break

What are the major health conditions? Great summer heat comes, indicating that the weather is hottest, and the hot weather has caused a lot of inconvenience for people going out. In life, people have many ways to keep their health in the great heat. Then Xiaobian will give you some more information about great heat and health. I hope to bring more help to everyone's great summer heat.

Hot sweat, nutrient consumption

Just after entering August, the temperature began to increase rapidly, and some common diseases in the summer were frequent with the weather.

Due to the hot summer sweats, the body loses much water and the spleen and stomach have poor digestion. At the same time, the hot weather affects people’s appetite. In addition to paying attention to the clean and light diet, they must also pay attention to supplementing some nutrients.

Health experts pointed out that people living in the relative humidity of 45% to 65% of the environment feel the most comfortable, but also the healthiest, but the windy summer is often relatively dry, indoor humidity can not reach this level. If you feel your throat and nose dry after getting up in the morning, it means that you should humidify the indoor air.

Summer irritability is related to "heart"

In the summer, many people feel that the whole province is very tired. Symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and insomnia often occur. People want to adjust, but they are powerless. Experts believe that this has a lot to do with the health of the heart.

Experts pointed out that in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, humans and the natural world are a unified whole, and changes in the four seasons of the natural world correlate with the activities of the five organs of the human body.

The heart corresponds to “summer”, which means that the heart is most prosperous in the summer, and at the same time, it reminds people to adapt to changes in the weather at the turn of the spring and summer and focus on the maintenance of the heart.

Modern medical research has found that people's psychology, emotions, and body can interact and interact with each other through the neuroendocrine-immune system.

Emotions fluctuate greatly during the summer, and the body’s immune function also decreases. People’s normal daily living is somewhat unreasonable and various diseases can occur. Especially in the elderly, myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia, and elevated blood pressure are not uncommon. Therefore, in the "big summer" season to do a good job of self-regulation and laughter.

More dilute food is beneficial to nourish

Experts point out that eating more and more dilute food is an important method of dieting in summer. If you eat porridge when you eat in the morning and in the evening, and you drink soup at lunch, you can not only thirst, cool, relieve heat, but also nourish the body.

When the porridge is added, some lotus leaf is added, and the lotus leaf porridge is said to have a clear taste. The porridge has a bitter taste and can be used to arouse the spleen and appetite. It has the effect of eliminating heat, keeping the stomach clear, and thirst. When porridge is added, add some mung bean or mung bean soup alone, there is the role of relieving summer heat and quenching thirst, clearing away heat and detoxifying, and promoting fluid and diuresis.

Pay attention to supplement some nutrients

1. Add sufficient vitamins, such as eating more fresh fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, green peppers, wax gourds, watermelons, bayberry, melons, peaches, and plums;

2. Supplement water and inorganic salts, especially pay attention to potassium supplements, beans or soy products, mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, etc. are all good sources of potassium. Eat more heat and damp foods, such as watermelon, bitter gourd, peach, ebony, strawberry, tomato, cucumber, mung bean, etc. have better cooling effect.

3. The right amount of protein, such as fish, lean meat, eggs, milk and beans, is the best quality protein.

Take out the food in the refrigerator

As the weather turns hot, people love to eat fresh fruits and beverages that have just been taken out of the refrigerator. Some people, especially children with weak gastrointestinal function, are most prone to severe abdominal pain in about half an hour after eating, and severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, and general cold warfare.

Experts point out that this kind of abdominal pain is caused by eating food stored in the refrigerator. Gastrointestinal temperature in humans is generally about 36 °C, while the food just taken out of the refrigerator is only 2 °C - 8 °C, and the stomach is subjected to strong cold stimulation, resulting in physiological dysfunction. The simple method of prevention is to refrain from rushing to eat food from the refrigerator, eat it for a while, and not eat too much at a time, especially for the elderly, children, and people with chronic gastritis and indigestion.

Get up late and get up early

Due to the early dawn in the “summer” period, people get up early, and relatively late at night, it is easy to cause lack of sleep, so increase the lunch break. The highest temperature is between 13:00 and 3:00 in the summer, and people are prone to sweating. After lunch, blood supply to the digestive tract increases, and blood supply to the brain decreases. Therefore, people are always lethargic and lethargic at noon.

For office workers who can’t take a lunch break at noon, they can listen to music or close their eyes for 30-50 minutes at noon. Experts believe that the nap time varies from person to person. Generally, it takes half an hour to one hour. It takes too long for people to feel no spirit. Don't be greedy when you're sleeping, avoid sleeping at the mouth of the wind to prevent it from falling cold and getting sick.

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