April open vegetable cultivation management

In early April, spinach, salsas, rapeseed, lettuce, etc., which had been exposed in winter, began to thrive, and aphids, whitefly, and aphids began to occur in large numbers. In order to increase the efficiency of low-toxicity pesticides such as Eimele, Diju, and acetamiprid in time, they increased. Control effect.

Varieties planted at the end of the year: Spring cabbage such as Luchunbai No.1, etc.; radish with spring early spring, early spring large roots; ground kidney beans with French pod beans, season beans and other varieties. After sowing, it is necessary to cover the mulch to raise the temperature to facilitate emergence. Seedling crops include celery, gourd melon, loofah, and pumpkin.

In the middle to late season, the small sheds were planted with cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, and sweet (spicy) peppers. Before the planting, the seedlings were first planted in the seedlings, and the late cover grasses were gradually exposed to the open environment, combined with disease prevention and spraying, and Yunda-120 or gold calcium treasure (complex amino acid) was added to regulate crop growth. , improve resistance. Accurately cover the mulch after planting to improve ground temperature. It is worth noting that after the live crops cover the plastic film, the seedlings should be observed frequently. When the seedlings grow on top of the soil, they should be taken out of the membrane in time to prevent the high temperature “baking seedlings”.

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