Pay attention to the quality of the small-tailed sheep

1. The difference between hybrid sheep and purebred Small Tail Han sheep

In some areas, the Han sheep had undergone crossbreeding in history; in addition, some bred sheep breeders neglected the pure breeding and breeding, and the disorder was present. Although the descendants of the production were similar to the authentic Xiaotailhan sheep, the growth rate was also high. Slow, adult individuals are far inferior to Small Tail Han sheep, and the ewes have low lambing rates and poor economic returns.

2. The difference between "degraded sheep" and preferred eugenic sheep

Although some sheep-raising households are located in production areas, the rearing of small-tailed sheep is also authentic, but lack of scientific knowledge of sheep breeding, long-term inbreeding caused the degradation of varieties, and gradually formed a degraded group, or more primitive group. Although the appearance is not significantly different from the Small Tail Han sheep, it is slow to develop, small in size, short in legs, and less in lamb production; however, it is preferred that the Tawny sheep grow quickly, have large individuals, have more lambs, and have better meat quality.

3. The difference between Huyang and Small Tail Han sheep

Some swindlers in the market use the similarities of the one-and-a-half-year-old sheep to the young sheep of the Tail Han sheep to sell their traitors. But the difference is also obvious, because the bred Huyang does not have a horn, while the small-tail Han sheep have horns, the Huyang body is prolate, the front is not well-developed, the rear is slightly higher, the growth and development are slow, adult individuals are small, and the small tail There are significant differences in Han sheep.

4. The difference between "go to teeth" and "change teeth"

Some unscrupulous people are unscrupulous for making money. Some have pulled out the middle two incisors of old-tailed Han sheep who have lost their productive capacity. After that, they lied about the young sheep who just changed their teeth and used old money to cheat the buyer. Identification of this phenomenon must be clear: lambs, young goat milk teeth white, and permanent teeth yellow and large; permanent teeth wear longer and heavier, the shorter the tooth length, the greater the age of the sheep, that is, the "old teeth" of the sheep Or, "ageing sheep" with artificial teeth is no doubt, do not buy.

5. The difference between Shaanxi Tongyang sheep and Small Tail Han sheep

The appearance of the same sheep is similar to that of the Little Tail Han sheep, but the length of its limbs is slightly shorter, the rams are larger, and the male and female sheep have no horns; while the legs of the small tail sheep are high, and only a few ewes have no horns.

6. Differences between Xinjiang Hetian Sheep and Small Tail Han Sheep

Although there are many similarities between the Hotan Sheep and the Small Tail Han Sheep, the ewe's hornless are mostly, and due to the bad rib opening, the chest is narrow, the adult sheep's body is small, and the coat color is mixed, especially the head is irregular Black spots, hair full white less than 20%; and small tail sheep sheep hornless few, and chest open, tall and large body into a sheep, hair color white and no miscellaneous.

7. The difference between other sheep and Small Tail Han sheep

First, sheep's hooves: The surface of the sheep's hooves on the Tail Sheep is fresh and moist pure wax yellow. If non-small-tailed sheep are found on different lines, the second observation is when grazing: Small-tailed Han sheep eat grass without bark, while other sheep bark is accustomed to. If you find sheep with bark, do not buy it.

In summary, to identify the true and false advantages and disadvantages of small-tailed Han sheep need to pay attention to grasp three links: First look at the appearance, the leg of the goat should be high, a large, straight back, coat white, tail round and small; Second, look at the yin and testis to see whether the female vulva is long and moist. If the rams testicles are even and elastic, look at the teeth and see the eight incisors below. When the age is 1 and a half years, the middle two incisors are replaced, and then the teeth are changed every year. When all 8 teeth are changed, it is called "Qikou". At this time, it is already over 4 years old and can never be bought. At the same time, it is necessary to guard against the artificial transformation of some incisors of "Qikou" sheep, posing as one-and-a-half year-old youth sheep for sale.

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