Cultivation Techniques of Sweet Potatoes

1. Varieties and Seedlings The varieties of sweet potatoes should be selected according to the type of export. For processing vermicelli and vermicelli products, high starch sweet potato varieties, such as Yushu No. 7, Sushu No. 7, Meiying No. 1, and Shanglu SL, should be selected. 19, etc., can be used to bake edible varieties can use Xushu 34, the United States, black potatoes and Japanese Chuanshan purple, high-grade 14 and so on.
The relationship between the quality and yield of potato seedlings is very large. If the seedlings are strong, then the potato seedlings will grow faster and sooner, the roots will be early, the potato will be early, and the stress resistance will be strong; while the old vines, the weak seedlings will be delayed, the stems and leaves will grow slowly, and the resistance will be poor. .
2. Deep-plowing fertilization generally applies 4,000 kg of high-quality mixed fertilizer per 667 square meters, 40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate, 60 kg of superphosphate and 20 kg of potassium sulfate. Deep plowing more than 25 cm, starting from a large ridge, ridge height of 30 cm, 40-50 cm above the width, ridge bottom width of 90 cm, 30 cm wide at the end of the ditch, planting seedlings when planted double rows on the ridge.
In the field with moderate fertility, the strong seedlings yielded 26.5% more than the weak seedlings; in the high-fertility fields, the strong seedlings increased the yield by 9.6%. Therefore, nurturing strong seedlings is one of the key technologies for achieving high yields of sweet potatoes. The potato block nursery bed should be chosen where the leewards are sunny, the terrain is high, the drainage is good, and the management is convenient. Two kinds of nursery methods are adopted: the film is covered and the buried potato is buried. The bed width is 1.2-1.3 meters, and the length is determined according to need. Daejeon uses about 150 kilograms of seed. Generally, about 10 kilograms of seed potatoes can be cultivated for about 0.5 million slenders. In the management of seedbeds, it is necessary to make good insulation, moisturizing, ventilating and hardening seedlings, and cutting seedlings.
3. Early and timely planting of sweet potatoes is an infinitely-growing crop. The longer the growth period is, the higher the yield is at the appropriate temperature. Spring potato mulching can be planted 10 to 15 days in advance. When frost-free, it will be broken and put in seedlings. It will be more than 30% more than that of non-covered cultivation. Open field cultivation, the spring potato should be planted with good seedlings, and the high shearing seedlings should be 25 cm high. about. When planting, each row is planted on both sides of the ridge, and 3,500-4,000 strains of spring potatoes and 4000-5000 strains of summer potatoes per 667 square meters. Shallow as far as possible planted, leaving 5 cm on the ground, the rest all along the ridge to the ground buried in the soil, buried 5-8 cm deep, pouring enough water, water seepage after the strict cover with fine soil, leaving 3-4 leaves on the ground. Finally, every 667 square meters with trifluralin 80-100g, spraying 60 kg of water on the surface to prevent weeds. About 5 days after planting, seedlings should be checked.
4, watering and fertilizer planting when pouring enough water. After 20 days or so, in the event of drought, water along the ditch. During the flood season, pay attention to drainage.
Sweet potato needs a large amount of fertilizer and should be given four words in fertilization: sufficient, proper, heavy, and skillful. Foot: The basal fertilizer should be applied in potato field, accounting for 40%-50% of the total amount of fertilizer. Appropriate: After planting for 10-15 days, it is suitable to apply acupuncture fertilizer, applying 5-7 kg of urea per 667 square meters, or 1000-1200 kg of diluted animal manure. Weight: Reapply the clip fertilizer, and apply it before the stem vine is extended to the stem and leaf seal line, which accounts for about 40% of the total amount. Qiao: In the late growth stage of sweet potato, when cracks occur on the surface of the plant, crack fertilizer is applied meticulously, and 1,500 kg of urea (water) or 10 kg of urea are applied to each hectare, and the water is poured. Foliar can also be sprayed with 0.2% of "sweet potato expansion agent" or potassium dihydrogen phosphate to promote the expansion of tubers.
5, cultivating cultivated sweet potato before transplanting into the stem and leaf seal line, to enter the 2-3 times the cultivator weeding, mainly shallow rake, to maintain the original ridge shape.
In the event of rain or soil moisture, many sweet potato roots grow under the roots of the adventitious roots. The vine should be promptly spilt and sprayed with 15% paclobutrazol to prevent stem vine growth. The concentration should be 230g to 60kg water.

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