Which fruits eat the most throat?

Summer is hot, the air is dry, and pharyngitis often depends on us. When pharyngitis finds us, we may experience throat discomfort, hoarseness, or even loss of voice. So pharyngitis is coming. What do we eat? Recommend these three kinds of fruit.

1, pear


The pear fruit is delicious, the meat is crisp and juicy, sweet and sour, and the aroma is beautiful. Rich in sugar, protein, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, it has an important role in human health. Pears have the effect of clearing the lungs and nourishing the lungs. People who eat pears are far less likely to get colds than people who do not eat or eat less. Therefore, scientists and physicians call pears “a full range of healthy fruits” or “general practitioners.”

Among all the fruits, pears are the most effective for throat treatment. Pear can not only thirst but also lungs and cough. Pear is rich in water and vitamin C, and it is a good fruit for adapting to the climate. Pears have a good effect on the appearance of throat, hoarseness, and cramps in upper respiratory tract infections.

2. Sugar Cane

Sugar cane Sugar cane is sweet, flat and non-toxic. Under the main gas and the middle, help the temper, benefit the large intestine, eliminate phlegm and thirst, in addition to heart and chest Fanre, detoxification. , Sugar cane can diarrhea fiery, antipyretic thirst, and in the wide-necked, Sheng Jin Runzao, spleen and stomach, diuretic, nourish and other effects. Can be used for dry mouth, lack of body fluids, urination, constipation, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, fever and thirst. Sugar cane juice drink cold sweet, suitable for fever, injury, upset thirsty, heat urine red, dry cough, sputum, and hot disease drink best sugar cane juice, Yu Yu [Tang Fu Mai Tang]. Patients with pharyngitis can eat raw food and cooked food. Cooked cane juice can help people with pharyngitis.

3, 枇杷

Mature quail is sweet and nutritious, with a variety of fructose, glucose, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and vitamins A, B, and C. The carotenoid content was the third among all fruits. Chinese medicine believes that loquat fruit has the effect of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, and quenching thirst. The whole body can be used as medicine, and the fruit can be used to moisturize the lungs, diuresis, heat and spleen, and have a good conservation function for the liver. Rich in vitamin C, can be ascorbic factor. Cockroaches can relieve cough, lungs, diuresis, stomach, heat, and moisturize patients with chronic pharyngitis. Eat skinny skin. In addition to fresh food, there are also sugar cans made from yak meat or brewed with wolfberry wine.枇杷 Amygdalin is contained in leaves, fruits, and nucleus.

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