Prevention and treatment of olive pests and diseases

Olive pests and diseases were few in the past, but new pests and diseases have been discovered one after another in recent years. The pests and diseases of olives mainly include stargazeria japonica, blown cotton scale insects, aphids, worm leafworms, leaf roller moths and coal smokers. In Fujian, olive culm culms are endangered, and olive leaf miner is also very harmful. In Guangxi, the pests that harm the olives are mainly Starlings and beetles.
1. Olive Star Room Lilium Olive Star Room Limulus is a newly discovered major pest of olives in recent years. It harms new shoots and young leaves by nymphs and adults. It sucks juice and causes young shoots to shrink. New leaves are deformed, curled, and weak. When a large number of occurrences occur, leaves are lost and the tree vigor is weakened. In 2 to 3 years, no results are obtained or even death occurs. Nymphal excreta contaminates foliage and induces soot. Occurs 3 to 4 times a year, overlapping each generation. The eggs are scattered in the main veins of the young leaves and near both sides. There are often more than 100 eggs on one young leaf. The nymph-intensive damage occurred from March to April, and it prospered in May. It was the most severely damaged in the spring shoots in Fujian.
Control methods: 1 After the winter clearing garden spray pine oil mixture 10 to 12 times liquid. 2 Each time the shoot is sprayed for 1 or 2 shots, use 40% Dimethoate Emulsion 1000-2000 times, or 50% Dichlorvos Emulsion 1000-fold, or 25% imidophos 1000-fold. The spring and autumn shoots are sprayed one time and the summer shoots are sprayed two times.
2. Blown cotton scale insects blown cotton scale insects use nymphs to suck the sap of the tree body, causing defoliation, shoot dryness, and weak tree vigor, and induce soot, affecting photosynthesis. Occurrence occurs every year from 3 to 4 generations, and the population of the larvae begins to proliferate in large quantities in the autumn of October. It usually occurs from January to April. It mainly affects the spring shoots. As the temperature rises, the density of the worm population decreases, and the population of the larvae in the early summer is greatly reduced.
Control methods: 1 Seedling quarantine, do not bring pests into the orchard. 2 In combination with Qingyuan, cut pests, concentrate burned, and spray pine oil mixture 10 to 12 times liquid. 3 spraying control at the shoot stage, with 50% of malathion 600-800 times, or 40% of omethoate 800-1000 times, or 40% of water-containing phosphoramidite 1000 times. Spray 2 times during spring shoots and 1 spray during autumn shoots. 4 Protection and use of natural enemies. Little red ladybugs and Australian ladybirds are natural enemies of the blown cotton scale insects, which can be introduced and protected for prevention and control.
3. Aphid mites are also the main pests that harm the shoots of olives. The nymphs and adults cluster on the tender shoots to suck sap, make the new shoots yellow, new leaves curl up, hinder growth, affect the tree vigor, but also induced soy . It occurs throughout the year, especially in the dry season, causing serious damage. Control methods: 1 shoot shoot spray. In the case of aphids, 50% of malathion 1000 times, or 25% of iminophos 1200 times, or 80% of dichlorvos 2000 times, or 2000 times of alfalfa, or rattan, nicotine, etc. Plant pesticides. 2 Protect and use natural enemies. Ladybugs, grasshoppers, pupas, and cockroaches are important natural enemies of locusts. If there are a large number of natural enemies in the garden, they may not be sprayed or sprayed to protect natural enemies.
4. Malignant leafhoppers The olive leafworms are small beetles. The larvae prefer to eat olive shoots and young leaves. They also secrete mucus and feces to contaminate the young leaves, causing the young leaves to dry. Adults harm young shoots, young leaves, flowers and young fruit and affect yield. 6 to 7 generations occur every year. Adults overwinter in trunks, lichens and mosses, weeds, and leaves. They spawn from March to April. The first generation larvae hatch from April to May. serious.
Control methods: 1 Remove moss, lichen, leaf roll and weeds and eliminate overwintering adults. 2 Bales the straw on the trunk to trap the mature larvae of the tree and remove it in time.
3 Incubation and spraying of shoots during the incubation period can be performed with 40% aqueous aminospionate 1000 times, or 50% malathion 1000 times. Spray 2 times during spring shoots and 1 spray during summer shoots.
5. Leaf roller moth Olive leaf roller larvae feed on shoots of new shoots and eat fruit and fruit, resulting in a large number of flowering and falling fruit. It is an important new pest. It takes 6 generations per year to pass winter with larvae and cockroaches. Adults laid eggs on the leaves, flowering and young fruit hatched, after the flower damage focused on young fruit. The 1st instar larvae bite the skin, and often the young fruit is tied to the leaves or twigs. The 53rd instar larvae drilled into the young fruit for feeding. When the young fruit turns yellow, it will fall, and it turns into fruit.
Control methods: 1 Winter garden, pruning larvae, clear litter, reduce overwintering population. 2 In the late stage of flowering, the branches shake off the petals to reduce the larvae's potential sites. 3 Orchard with high density of insect population, sprayed in young fruit period, 50% dichlorvos 1000 times, 90% dipterex 1000 times, 40% water-containing phosphorothiophene 1000 times, or 50% killing Pine 1000 times liquid. 4 Manually kill larvae and remove egg masses.
6. Olive leaf-blight moth Olive leafbill, also known as cockroach, is a newly emerged olive pest in Hainan Island. It harms chicken tip trees and harms olives in Fuzhou and Chaoan. The larvae feed on the leaves and the damage is quite serious. Two generations occur each year, and the larvae are active from March to April. During the daytime, they live on the trunks. The amount of leaf feeding at night is greater than that during the day. In mid-May, the mature larvae will be pupa, and the adults will emerge in mid-late June. The new generation larvae will be endangered from late June to early July. The instar larvae are gray-brown to black, and the mature larvae are gray-brown and about 60 mm in length.
Control methods: 1 Use larvae to colonize the trunk during the day and concentrate on killing. 2 Spray 50% dichlorvos 1000 times, or 90% dipterex 1000 times, or 50% killer pine 1000 times. 3 Beauveria bassiana or Bacillus thuringiensis can be applied under high humidity conditions.
7. Coal smoke disease Coal smoke disease, also known as tobacco mold, is a fungus must-have disease, occurred in the leaves and fruits, the first dark brown mold, then expanded into a layer of black mold around, was sooty, easy to break away . The disease occurs only in orchards where scale insects, aphids, and stardust are more severely harmed, because the secretions of these pests can be used as a "medium" for molds. When the pathogenic spores in the air are scattered on these secretions, Breed quickly. The sheltered and moist environment is conducive to the development of the disease.
Control methods: 1 prevention and control of blown cotton scale insects, star room wood lice have worms. 2 After clearing the garden in winter, spray lime sulfur 0.8 to 1 Baume degree. 3 Trim properly to facilitate ventilation. 4 spray protection. Commonly used fungicides are 1% Bordeaux mixture (copper sulfate, 1 kg each of lime), 50% thiophanate-methyl 800 times, and 50% carbendazim 800 times.

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Enzyme preparations are proteins, which may induce sensitization and cause allergic type reactions in sensitized individuals. Prolonged contact may cause minor irritation for skin, eyes or nasal mucosa, so any direct contiguity with human body should be avoided. If irritation or allergic response for skin or eyes develops, consult a doctor.

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