Greenhouse zucchini pressed vines produce high yield

In the middle and late stages of growth of summer cucurbits in the solar greenhouse, due to poor indoor ventilation and light transmission, the field is closed, the photosynthetic capacity is poor, the plants are susceptible to premature senescence, and the yield is low. In recent years, farmers in Dongkan Town, Binhai County, Jiangsu province have developed a set of vine-blown cultivation techniques to extend the growth period of summer squash from September of the first year to June of the following year. The yield per mu is over 10,000 kg. The cultivation techniques are now described as follows:

First, choose good breeds. According to the practice in recent years, young crops with low dwarfs, short vines and strong erections are more suitable for greenhouse growth.

Second, nurture strong seedlings. In the middle and late September, seed soaked in warm soup, sowed into the well-prepared seedbed, poured enough water, cover about 1.5 cm thick nutritious soil. Before sowing until emergence, keep the temperature at 25-30°C during the day and 17-20°C at night. The daytime temperature after emergence is 22-25°C and 13-15°C at night. When the seedlings show true leaves, they are divided into seedlings and planted in plastic nutrition bowls. Strengthen fertilizer and water management and cultivate strong seedlings.

Third, timely planting. In the middle and late October, when the seedling age is 30-35 days, it is best to take a strong seedling for planting on sunny days. Before the transplanting, the soil was deeply ploughed, and 5000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer was used in Mushi and 50 kg of DAP was used as the base fertilizer. The soil preparation site has a width of 1.1 meters, a height of 15 centimeters, and a width of 30 centimeters. The mulch is then covered with a mulch, perforated and planted. Each row is 2 rows, and the spacing is 65 centimeters. The spacing is 50 centimeters. About 2,100 acres are planted. Water the living tree and seal the hole in the membrane. After 3-4 days of planting, the greenhouse maintains high temperature and humidity and shortens the period of seedling sowing.

Fourth, after the first fruiting period

Results The temperature of the front shelf was controlled at 26°C during the day and 16°C at night. As a result, the initial shelf temperature was controlled at 28°C during the day and 18°C ​​at night. Before the results, the fertilizer was properly controlled to prevent leggy. After the first female flower was opened, 6 kg of diammonium phosphate was applied to the acre. In order to prevent poor fertilization, it is necessary to treat 20-300 mg/kg of 2,4-D spotted flower two days before the opening of the female flower.

V. Planting adjustments and vines

After 3-4 fruit picks per plant, the plants entered the full fruit period, often due to insufficient supply of nutrients, poor environmental conditions, and the disease is easy to prevail, leading to premature aging and affecting yield, and this is a critical period for plant adjustment and vine-crushing. First, leave 1 line of melons on each line, and remove the other line of melons and mulches on the line. Spread 25 kg of ammonium diammonate per acre on the vacant surface and pour it to the ground. On the newly reconstructed surface, use a spade to open a small ditch with a depth of 4-5 centimeters along the road and remove the diseased and old leaves from the base of the preserved saplings. After spraying 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc 500 times, the base vines were pressed into open channels and the soil was filled.

Sixth, after pressure management

After the stalks are pressed into the soil, the plants are well ventilated and light-transmitting, the disease is light, and a large number of adventitious roots are quickly produced. The absorption of fertilizer and water is strengthened, and the growth is vigorous. Each plant can bind 3-4 melons at the same time, and the quality of the individual melons is reached. About 300 grams of timely harvest. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Every 1 month or so, 6 kg of urea is applied at the Mu hole, and foliar fertilizers such as Huimanfeng and chlorophyll are sprayed on the roots. Periodically do a good job of leaf vine pressure work, 1 week pressure vines can be 1 time. Temperature management and 2,4-D processing are the same as the initial results.

VII. Pest Control

The aphids were sprayed with 50% anti-indoles or 40% chrysanthemum cream 1500 times, and viral diseases were sprayed with 20% virus A400 times or 1.5% phytoalexin 800 times. Powdery mildew was treated with 25% triadimefon spray.

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