Cultivation and disease control of burdock

First, cultivation methods and cultivation season

Burdock is mostly cultivated in open country in China, and the cultivation season is generally spring and autumn. It is cultivated in the fall from October 1st to early November. Covering the arched mulch on or around November 10; planting in the spring from March to mid-May, and covering the mulch in March, the open cultivation can be planted only after the frost is over.

Second, species selection

Autumn sowing burdock generally use medium-late-maturing varieties, such as Liuchuan ideal, wild river or large long-white inward muscle burdock; spring sowing early and mid-maturing varieties, such as Liu Chuan ideal, degree edge early birth, early pine early birth, early dry field or large long-rooted white muscle Burdock.

Third, soil selection

Burdock is a deep-rooted vegetable with strict soil requirements. It is suitable for cultivation of sandy soil with deep soil, good drainage, and loose fertility. For example, Fengxian County, Pei County in Jiangsu Province, and Zhuangwu Town in Cangshan County in Shandong Province all belong to the alluvial soil of the Dahe River. The upper and lower soil layers are uniform and are suitable for planting burdock. For planting burdock, the plot should be chosen for plot cultivation with non-composite plants. It is better to have no burdock plot for 2--3a. In addition, plots that were formerly cropped as beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and corn should not be selected.

Fourth, site preparation

After harvesting, the former crop should be sun-dried in time, and 75 kg of cake fertilizer, 5000 kg of high-quality soil-fertilizer and 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate should be applied per 667 square meters before deep plowing. Then press 70cm line ditch with a burdock machine, depth of about 1m. Since the burrs are used for ditching, a ridge with a width of 40--50cm and a height of about 25cm is naturally formed, and the ridges are stepped on both sides of the ridge with feet, or tapped on both sides of the ridge with a shovel to prevent rain. Ditching caused a malformation of the calf.

Fifth, sowing

In the concentrated production areas of burdock, seeds should be disinfected before sowing. The following methods can be used:

1. Seed soaking in warm water at 55°C for 10 minutes.

2. The seed dressing is equivalent to 0.3% of the seed weight, and the seedlings are dressed with a methionine (metalaxyl) fungicide. Then, a small ditch with a depth of 3 cm is opened on the roof of the ridge, and the water is poured. After infiltrating the water, seeds are sown at a distance of 3 cm. 3cm, 667 square meters with the amount of 200g.

Six, thinning seedlings

The first time the seedlings were between 1 and 2 true leaves, and the second time when they were between 2 and 3 true leaves, seedlings were planted at a seedling distance of 7-10 cm. When setting seedlings, remove the inferior seedlings and over-emergence seedlings and leave seedlings of the same size. Earlier harvesting has a larger spacing for seedlings, and late harvesting is more appropriate, so as to avoid large gaps, making burdock roots too thick and affecting the appearance quality.

Seventh, weeding and weeding

Burdock seedlings grow slowly, there are more weeds at seedling stage, and weeding and weeding should be done in time. The last cultivator before the enclosure should be earthed to the roots, which is conducive to the growth and expansion of the roots. Weedy herbicides can be used for weed-predominant plots. For every 667 square meters, we can use 10.8% of high-efficient grass energy 25--30mL, add water 50--60kg, after the emergence of burdock, from the emergence of weeds to the growing season can be sprayed. Can also be used 50% of the refined wolfberry grams 50--60mL, water 15-20kg, after the calf seedlings, weeds 3--5 leaf stage, select the evening medication.

Eight, top dressing

During the whole growth period, 3 top dressings can be performed. The first time when the plant height is 30--40cm, topdressing urea in furrows is applied, applying 10kg per 667m2; the second time when the plants grow vigorously combined with watering burdock form.

Sprinkle in furrows and apply 8-10 kg of urea per 667 square meters; after the third time the flesh roots are swollen, 10 kg of diammonium phosphate and 5 kg of potassium sulfate can be applied. It is best to use steel to drill and apply the fertilizer to the 10- -20cm depth, and then sealed holes to promote the rapid growth of fleshy root to achieve high yield and quality.

Nine, pest control

The main pests of burdock root knot nematodes, aphids, cockroaches and so on.

1. Root knot nematodes have the following methods:

(1) 2--3a rotation can be implemented, rotation is the most convenient and effective method.

(2) Apply 1.8% of Beinongfufu EC at a concentration of 1.8% and mix 25kg of fine sand at the surface before grading. Apply the ground surface uniformly, and plow till 10-15cm. The control effect can reach 90% or more.

(3) 3 kg of usable Miller granules per 667 m2 are sown in the sowing ditch at the time of sowing, and then sown.

(4) During the growth period of burdock, 250g of roots per plant was irrigated with 1% of Hejong extinction EC 5000 times, and the persistence period was 60d. There was no residual toxicity to vegetables and no pollution to soil. 2. The locusts on the locust burdock are mostly black, and should be sprayed and controlled when the spotting takes place. The pesticide can be used 40% dimethoate 1500 times liquid 50% anti-influx (dispelling fog) 2000 times liquid; Aketai 15-20g Foliar spraying of water 100kg.

3. Prevention and control of earthworms In the Fengxian and Peixian areas of Jiangsu Province, due to planting year after year, the damage of earthworms has been aggravated year by year and become the main pests in the burdock planting areas. Can be controlled by the following methods:

(1) Reasonably arranging land plots for harvesting beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, and corn before harvesting is often a serious hazard to plutonium and should not be used.

(2) In the late autumn and early winter, when the land is deep-fallen and the land is seriously damaged, the land can be deeply turned in the late autumn and early winter, and it can be frozen to death, dried or eaten by birds.

(3) Artificially capture the period of adulthood from May to July. When the beetle feeds and mates in the evening from 6 to 9 o'clock, the adult can be caught manually, which can effectively control the spawning of the beetle.

(4) The use of chemical fertilizers to suppress insects when applying ammonia bicarbonate, ammonia as the base fertilizer when the ground is turned, the ammonia emitted by it, has certain prevention and control of underground pests such as earthworms.

(5) The use of cooked barbed beetles has a strong tendency toward unripe mandarin fertilizer. Eggs are often produced in them. Therefore, organic fertilizers must be decomposed before they are used to kill eggs and larvae.

(6) Using black light traps to lure adults with light, chemotactic agents, and sex attractants.

4. The ground tigers of the ground tiger are generally harmed in early May. The food intake of the second-instar larvae increases rapidly. They hide in the depths of 2-6 cm from the surface of the earth during the day and crawl into the ground at night. The larvae before the third instar bite the plants. Heart leaves. Prevention measures are as follows

(1) The larvae can be killed by killing the larvae in the morning by splitting the surface soil around the newly killed plant.

(2) Bait trapping and killing larvae Use 90% dipterex crystals 50g per 667m2, or 50% phoxim 100mL, mix appropriate amount of water into the liquid, mix in 3- 4kg sauteed wheat bran or smash In the peanut cake, it was scattered into the field in the evening and it could effectively control the tiger.

5. The North China zokor, North China zokor, alias mice, earth sheep, quail rats, etc., have been found in Shandong Cangshan in recent years to harm calf. In the field, the ditching machine has looser local soil, the ground rodents tend to dig holes along the middle of the cattle sulcus, and the burdock, which is endangered by the burdock roots, has reduced the commodity rate. The methods for prevention and control are mainly the following:

(1) Baits can be used to control baits. Carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. are used. Pharmacists use chlordimezine sodium and mouse ether. In the hole, dig a small hole up and down, take the earth that fell into the hole, and then use a ladle to put the poison bait into the depths of the hole. Then use a turf to hold the hole tightly.

(2) Shovel method Because the rats are afraid of light, fear of the wind, and have a hole blocking habit, use this habit to cut the hole first, shovel the topsoil on the thin hole, and prepare the iron shovel to wait in the back of the hole and wait until it comes to the hole. When he tries or plugs a hole, immediately he cuts it hard or uses his foot to step on the escape route to kill him.

(3) When water is poured on the ground, cut the hole and introduce the water to drown the mouse.

Ten, harvest

Autumn burdock should be harvested by the end of June to avoid the larval larvae. Spring sirloin can be harvested from August to November, or it can be kept on the ground at any time until March of next year. When harvesting, leave 15cm long petioles on the ground, cut the leaves, and dig at the side of the root until it is half of the root length. Then, you can use your hands to pull out the soil, remove the soil after harvesting, and carry out the baling and sale.

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