White clay pot cultivation technology

1.1 Variety

Zhanbai chooses the high-yielding and high-quality Zhejing No. 2 medium-maturing varieties suitable for local planting. This species was introduced in 1995 from Zhejiang University. After many years of domestication and breeding by agricultural technology departments, it has become the main planting variety widely planted in Yuyao City. Zhejing No. 2 plant height is about 2m, leaf width 3.5 ~ 4.5cm, the delivery is strong, good resistance. The carcass was shaped like a spinning braid. The carp meat was 17cm long, the horizontal diameter was 4cm, and the net carcass weight was about 90g. The carcasses were white and smooth, with thin skin, delicate texture, high yield, good collection, good merchandise, and good economic returns. Farmers and markets are favored.

1.2 Field selection

The cultivation of mud in white clay sheds should be low-lying, with loose soil, high organic matter content, deep tillage layer, convenient irrigation and drainage, good water quality, no industrial “three wastes” pollution, and no continuous planting of white barley.

1.3 choose to keep good seedlings, reasonable close planting

White seedlings must be carefully selected each year, with a neat plantlet type, a high pregnancies rate, a large pod meat hypertrophy, a low scab site, no male fleas and ashes, and a low tillering node level, and a mature and mature pod piercing seed. At the end of March and early April, excavate seedlings and plant seedlings, 1 seedling point, 30 cm 40 cm seedling density, 1:10 between Putian and Honda. Insert seeding at the beginning of July, inserting a seed density of 100-80 cm 50 cm, 2 per hole. Strain, 22,500 points/hm2. If the leaves of the planting seedlings are too long, the upper leaves should be cut off in time to reduce the nutrient consumption of the plants. 6m wide shed, 70cm left on the membrane, a total of 6 lines.

1.4 Clean up the paddy field and apply base fertilizer

The autumn harvest is basically completed in mid-November. By mid-December, it is necessary to cut off the dead leaves of the above-ground part of the stubble to clean the pastoral area and concentrate on burning so as to reduce the overwintering base number of insect populations and germs. There are more weedy plots in Baitian, and 5 to 6 days before the scaffolding, put the dried water in the white fields, and use 10% glyphosate solution 1kg to spray 40kg of water. Preserved shallow water 2 to 3 days before scaffolding, and 667m2 organic fertilizer applied to Shijingbai (Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences). Cixi Zhongci Ecological Fertilizer Co., Ltd. Production contains 25% organic matter, N7%, P2O55%, K2O 8% ) 120-150kg or Russia-produced compound fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium effective nutrient content of 15% each) 50kg.

1.5 scaffolding insulation, careful management

At the end of December, before and after the winter solstice, scaffolding and filming will be carried out to prevent frost. The vast white sheds are mainly constructed of bamboo sheds. Bamboo sheds are 6m wide and 1.8m to 2.0m high. There are pillars in the middle and the length is determined by field blocks. The film is a 0.08mm thick, 8m wide multi-functional non-drip film. During the year, the greenhouse is mainly sealed and insulated. The temperature changes rapidly after the beginning of spring, and it is still necessary to seal and incubate at night. During the day, it must be checked and observed. Usually when the weather is moderate, two ventilation is required. When the weather is fine, when the temperature in the shed exceeds 32°C, the side membrane and the two heads must be ventilated and ventilated. In the case of continuous rainy weather, the ventilation must be strengthened to enhance the seedlings and reduce the rate of pregnancy. Before and after the general clearing film.

1.6 Miao Dingmiao, skillfully applied top dressing

At the end of February and early March, the temperature began to rise, and the plants grew rapidly. When the plant height was 30-40 cm, the seedlings were planted within the shed, leaving about 200,000 strong seedlings per pier, so that 667m2 effective seedlings could reach 30,000 or so. When removing the seedlings, we can combine weeding in Putian to remove weeds in the field and improve the soil's delicateness. Putian can also press the loach roots in the rhizosphere of the pier to spread the tillers and improve the nutritional status. Under the premise of deleting the seedlings, the strong stalked manure should be applied in time according to the seedling color, and generally 667m2 is applied to the imported compound fertilizer 25 to 30kg. At the end of March, the white stalks were gradually stalked. When 30% of the plants were pregnant and licked, the leaves were colored and cleverly applied. The 667m2 could be applied with urea 5-6kg to ensure the nutrients needed after the white plague and ensure that the quail was hypertrophied and white.

1.7 Nest mud protection, timely harvest

At the end of March and early April, Bai Ji began to become pregnant. At this time, artificial nest mud protection should be collected. The purpose of the nest mud is to block the light from direct sunlight, increase the temperature of the soil, promote thick, white, crisp and white, and increase the commodity rate. The mud should be divided, and each pier should see 1 strain of axillary fossa, and it will continue to grow mud as it continues to elongate. Generally, the height of litter is 5 to 20 cm, and it must not be more than blinking. Since there is a pre-pregnancy of the plant, it is necessary to harvest the mud from the side of the plant and promote the individual hypertrophy. When the loquat grows to the heart and leaves are contracted, the right and left lobe pillows are shrunk to the level, and the middle lobe expands until the chest is exposed slightly.

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