It's good to feed the chicken

Dongping County, Shandong Province thriving chicken farm perennial insist on mixing some chicken in the feed, according to the owner introduced the chicken with leeks, with nutrients, kill bacteria, promote the appetite of the effect. Chickens not only love to eat, increase appetite, but also prevent many diseases, especially in the season of chicken gizzards, the effect is better.

According to the experience of the chicken farm, the young chicken that feeds the chicken must be moderately tender, too old, with too much crude fiber, affecting the feeding effect; too tender with high moisture content and less dry matter. The chicks can be fed on the fourth day after they start eating and increase daily. Usually a chicken feeds up to 25 grams a day. Before the feeding, the leek must be washed and dried, cut into small pieces about 1 cm long, mix in the feed, and do not add water. It is best to cut it, mix it, and feed it. If the leek is cut off, green onions or garlic sprouts can be used instead, but spinach should be avoided to prevent rickets in the flock. Wait for the new leeks to come on the market and continue feeding as above.

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