Summer Diet Guide for Children: Appropriate vinegar for cooking is good for health

During the summer season, the nerves are often in a state of tension, and the function of certain secretory glands is also inhibited. Children are prone to suffer from weakened digestion, poor appetite, and reduced appetite. The child is in a period of growth and development, and the demand for nutrition is relatively large. Parents learn to adjust the diet to help children grow up healthily.

Supplement water to prevent diseases

In the summer, the body is prone to sweating and dehydration. The child must replenish the water in a timely manner to meet the needs of the body's metabolism, so that less illness can occur. To supervise the children to drink hard water. Should drink plenty of boiled water, or freshly squeezed juice, can not rely on commercial drinks and cold drinks. Beverage cold drinks contain a lot of sugar and flavor pigments, stimulate the stomach, easily lead to obesity, reduce appetite, affect the absorption of nutrients. Drinks and cold drinks are not suitable for children, both from a safety and nutrition point of view.

Nutrition catering promotes children's growth and development

Judging from the physiological conditions of children, the composition of gastric juice is basically the same as that of adults, but stomach acid is lower than that of adults. Adding some vinegar when cooking food for children is good for children's health. Eating vinegar can also increase the bactericidal effect of the gastrointestinal tract. Summer fruits and more nutritious, children love to eat, but parents must control the amount of too much eating fruits will damage the gastrointestinal function, causing digestive tract diseases.

Summer children should eat light, the so-called light diet concept should be non-greasy instead of vegetarian, otherwise it will lead to children's nutritional disorders, summer should also pay attention to the children to add fresh fish, lean meat, fresh eggs, shrimp, etc. Smaller children can be made into fish, minced meat, and kidney porridge, which are both easy to digest and nutritious. Also pay attention to the freshness of food ingredients.

Moderate exercise and maintaining a pleasant mood help promote appetite

Moderate exercise helps children absorb and promote metabolism. After exercise, it is not appropriate to drink plenty of water or eat. After the end of the exercise, you can add some high-protein foods or potatoes. Exercise also promotes a pleasant mood. It also helps to improve the appetite of children.

Related Links: Summer Child Therapy

Fish and tomato soup is good for stomach digestion and thirst, especially suitable for children. Steamed eel meat, remove the fish bone fish-like; wash the tomatoes, sliced; garlic to clothing. In the casserole add water, 1250 ml (5 bowls) and ginger, boiled fish, tomatoes, garlic and the right amount of salt, oil, until just cooked.

After the tomato beef soup is boiled with oil, add an alfredo, chopped green onion, ginger, and shabu-shabu, add appropriate amount of water, and add beef stew (or crumb) stew. After boiling, stew in slow heat (add some vinegar). After the beef is rotted, add the pieces of tomato, and finally add the end of parsley. Add sesame oil and serve.

Milk porridge rice washed clean, add water to stir, boil porridge instead of low heat, pour milk into the mix, continue to cook for about 40-50 minutes with low heat Serve. You can eat it directly or add sugar or salt according to your taste. Changyin can replenishing qi and nourishing stomach.

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