Which foods affect your baby's intelligence

If the following four types of food baby eat more, it will affect the development of the brain, so that the baby's intelligence problems.

Aluminum food

The World Health Organization proposed that the daily intake of aluminum in the human body should not exceed 60 milligrams. If one day eats 50 to 100 grams of fritters, this will exceed the allowable intake, leading to memory loss and dull thinking. Therefore, breakfast cannot be served as an oil-based fritter. Frequent use of aluminum pan cooking, aluminum kettle boiled water should also pay attention to the problem of increasing the amount of aluminum.

Lipid-containing foods

Experts pointed out that lipid peroxidation is very harmful to the human body. If lipids are peroxidized for a long time from the diet, peroxygen lipids can continuously accumulate in the human body, eventually causing damage to certain metabolic enzyme systems in the human body. The premature aging of the brain leads to dementia.

Many foods in our daily lives contain peroxy lipids, such as smoked fish, roast duck, and roast goose. Many fried foods also contain peroxy lipids, such as fried fish and Shrimp oil will quickly oxidize and produce peroxy lipids.

Other foods, such as dried fish, cured meat, and foods containing more oil, are oxidized in the air to produce peroxy lipids.

Therefore, for such foods in daily life, we must minimize the intake, parents must set an example, will enable the baby to develop good eating habits.

Salty food

The physiological needs of the human body for salt are extremely low. Adults consume less than 7 grams a day. Children consume less than 4 grams a day. People who are used to eating salty foods will not only cause hypertension, arteriosclerosis, but also damage arteries. Affecting the blood supply of brain tissue, making brain cells in a state of ischemia and hypoxia for a long time leads to mental retardation, memory loss, and even premature aging.

More foods containing saccharin and MSG

The amount of saccharin should be limited, otherwise it will damage the brain, liver and other cell tissues, and even induce bladder cancer. The World Health Organization has proposed that adults should not consume more than 4 grams of MSG per day, and babies within the age of pregnant women and children should be fasting. The consumption of monosodium glutamate within the age of the baby may cause brain cell necrosis.

Pregnant women in late pregnancy eat more MSG, can cause fetal zinc deficiency, affect the baby's physical and mental development after birth, is not conducive to intellectual development.


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