Man kidney yang porridge

As the pressure of work continues to increase, many of my friends have lost their sexual abilities due to kidney deficiency, which has made couples living in disharmony. Therefore, friends can choose some strong kidney yang, nourishing kidney yin porridge to nourish kidney!

Five black porridge

Five Black Porridge Ingredients: Black Rice, Black Beans, Black Sesame, Black Dates, Black Fungus, Walnut, How much is measured.

Together, these ingredients can nourish the liver and kidney, strengthen the spleen, and ease laxative. Rich in trace elements and vitamins. It is a rare kidney to share.

black rice

Efficacy ingredients: With spleen and warm liver, blood and Qi, appetizers Yizhong, smooth astringent make up, Shujinhuoxue and other effects. Its vitamin B1 and iron content is 7 times that of ordinary rice. Winter food is helpful to supplement human trace elements. Do not put sugar when cooking it.

Black beans:

Efficacy ingredients: black beans sweet and flat, not only shaped like a kidney, but also kidney strengthening, promoting blood circulation, detoxification, emollient, black hair and black hair effect, especially for patients with kidney deficiency. Rich in high quality protein, Vb and Ve, it also contains riboflavin and melanin. It is helpful for anti-ageing, anti-aging, and vitality.

Black sesame seeds:

Efficacy ingredients: Sexual sweet, there is nourishing liver and kidney, Run five internal organs, due to lack of liver and kidney essence blood caused by dizziness, white hair, hair loss, Yaoxisuanruan, intestinal dry constipation and so have a better therapeutic effect. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to the human body. Its Ve content is the highest of plant foods. It can eliminate free radicals in the body and has significant antioxidant effects. Has a role in delaying aging, treating indigestion and treating white hair.

Dark dates:

Efficacy ingredients: warm and sweet, there is nourishing qi, kidney and stomach blood function. Contains proteins, sugars, organic acids, vitamins and phosphorus, calcium, iron and other nutrients.

Black Fungus:

Efficacy ingredients: It has the functions of clearing the lung, promoting qi, activating blood circulation, benefiting the stomach, and moisturizing dryness to nourish and strengthen the body. Now studies have shown that black fungus colloids have a strong adsorption force and can clean the stomach. It also contains nucleic acid and lecithin, which has the effect of bodybuilding, beauty, and anti-aging. Black fungus is a soluble dietary fiber, can increase blood, high blood lipids, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction patients eat more soluble plug, reduce the number of platelets.


The functional ingredients are kidney essence, diuretic elimination stone, laxative, Wenfei Dingchuan, commonly used in kidney deficiency back pain, urinary tract stones embolism. With fitness, beauty, delay aging.

White fruit lotus porridge

Raw materials: 10 white nuts, 50 grams lotus seeds


Lotus seeds are cooked with water and fried gingko is added to the porridge.

Efficacy: kidney essence.

Health care applications: add sugar to taste and eat. Applicable to kidney essence is not solid nocturnal emission, cough and asthma.

Fairy porridge

Fang Yuan: "The Eight Opinions for Compliance"

Composition: 30 to 60 grams of fleece-flower root, 60 grams of japonica rice, 3 to 4 red dates, and brown sugar.

Production: The system Shouwu frying sauce, to residue, with glutinous rice, red dates into the casserole with porridge, porridge will become, add a little brown sugar or rock sugar to seasoning, cook 1,2 open that is good. 1~2 times a day, take 7~10 days 1 course of treatment, interval 5 days before serving. Can also be taken without permission, without treatment restrictions. Sparse stools are not allowed. Do not take green onion garlic at the same time. Do not use a wok to cook.

Efficacy: qi and blood, kidney and kidney

Application of the disease: impotence of liver and kidney deficiency, dizziness, tinnitus, weak waist, hair, hair early morning, dry stool.

Fang Jie: The fairy porridge that is Polygonum multiflorum, because of Polygonum multiflori can make people prosperous to prolong life, Jiufu "becoming immortal" and named after. Polygonum multiflori supplements liver and kidney, which is a good product for nourishing yin and nourishing blood. "Compendium of Materia Medica" cloud: Radix Polygoni multiflori, can nourish blood and benefit liver, solid essence and kidney, bones and bones, and black peony root hair are nourishing medicines. Jujube Qi and spleen, nourishing blood tonic. Both decoction with glutinous rice, can enhance the liver and kidney, benefit the essence of blood.

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