Cold Shed Muskmelon Should Prevent Bacterial Diseases

The disease is a bacterial disease that mainly damages the leaves, petioles, and young larvae, and can occur throughout the growing season.

The cotyledons in the seedling stage showed water-soaked yellow sag spots. The leaves at the early stage of the leaves were light green and immersed in spots. The leaves gradually turned into light brown necrotic lesions. After the drying, the lesions were brittle and perforated.

To prevent the disease, we must first remove the diseased plant and the diseased body and burn it. The diseased cavities should be disinfected with lime. Secondly, the land should be ploughed deeply to remove the diseased body in time, pay attention to air release and humidity removal, use high-ridge cultivation, and strictly control the agricultural operations such as dew or wet pruning and vines under cloudy conditions. In addition, seeds should be soaked with warm water soaked in seeds, soaked in warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes or treated with 2 million units of streptomycin sulfate for 1 to 2 hours, then washed and sowed.

Chemical control: To prevent bacterial diseases, 47% of Garnett WP 800 times or 77% of WP can be used in the initial stage. These can be mixed with fungal bactericides.

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