Color lettuce lettuce cultivation techniques

In recent years, colorful vegetables have become popular in the world with their brilliant colors and rich nutrition. Color lettuce is mainly eaten with leaves and should be eaten raw, which is favored by people. At present, the main cultivars are: Seoul Red, Chi Huang, etc., all are wrinkled or semi-balloon varieties. There are banned red, red and brown red colors. The early spring cultivation techniques are as follows:
Spring early-maturing cultivation generally uses plastic large, medium and small sheds, windbreak impotence, or solar greenhouses with slightly poor insulation properties. In North China, from mid-December to January, seedlings are planted in Yangshuo or in a greenhouse, and planted in protective facilities in mid-February and listed in April.
1. Nursery: early spring cultivation, multi-use windbreak impotence nursery. Windbreak Yangshuo should be built in the fall, 15-20 days before sowing, with plastic film, covered with grasshoppers at night, try to raise the temperature of the nursery. Before sowing, combined with deep turning, 45,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer was applied per hectare. Do you know?
Seeds are first soaked in water at 25--30°C for 7-12 hours, removed, and the excess water is allowed to dry off. The seeds are then placed in a gauze and placed at a temperature of 16--20°C to germinate. Let 80% of the seeds sow when exposed.
Select sowing in sunny weather. Nursery hoe first filling enough water, until the water infiltration, and then spread evenly, after spreading fine soil cover 0.5 cm, immediately after sowing Yan plastic film, covered with straw grass at night insulation. The seed amount per hectare is 4.5--6 kg.
Before the seedlings are unearthed, the cover of grass seedlings and other heat insulation covers should be covered and covered at an early date. Ventilation should be avoided, and the temperature of the clams should be maintained at 20--25°C to accelerate seedling emergence. After the seedlings are unearthed, they should be properly ventilated and cooled to prevent overheating and cause seedlings to grow indefinitely. During the day, keep the temperature at 12--20°C, the maximum temperature does not exceed 22°C, and 5--8°C during the night, so that the seedlings will grow vigorously. Grass pods should be uncovered and covered late to maximize seedling time.
After the seedlings were flushed, and the first seedling time. In addition to dense, co-existing seedlings seedlings. 2--3 true leaves when fixed seedlings, seedlings 4--5 cm. Minimize watering at the seedling stage, such as pouring water into arid soil.
Five to seven days before planting, gradually increase ventilation and reduce seedbed temperature. Keep about 15°C during the day and about 5°C at night to exercise seedlings and improve the cold resistance and adaptability of the seedlings. Seedlings should pay attention to insulation and antifreeze. Seedling age 35--50 days, 5--6 leaves can be planted.
2. Colonization: Planting density, leaf lettuce can be more dense, spacing between the rows is 20 cm x 25 cm; cabbage lettuce is slightly more thin, with a row spacing of 30 cm x 40 cm. The early maturing varieties are suitable for 30 cm square, and the mid-late maturing varieties are suitable for 35--40 cm square. When planting as little as possible with more roots and soil, planting depth and the depth of the original into the soil level is appropriate.
3. Field management: less watering, more cultivating, and promoting root development in the early cultivation period. After easing the seedlings, they combine watering, chasing 1 chemical fertilizer and applying 150 kg of urea per hectare. After the seedlings are watered, the seedlings should be appropriately planted to inhibit the development of rosette leaves, promote the heart of the rosettes, and prevent leggy growth. In the middle and late stages of growth, in order to keep the rosette leaves intact and the bulbs coexist rapidly, a firm leaf ball is formed and the water and fertilizer supply needs to be increased. Stop watering before harvest to facilitate storage and transportation.
4. Harvest: Leaf lettuce should be timely harvest. The suitable harvesting period is short, the harvest is too early, the amount of growth is insufficient, and the yield is reduced; when harvesting is later, the shortened stem is elongated, the leaf ball becomes loose, and the quality is deteriorated. When the leaf ball grows to a certain size, the ball is tightly packed in real time and it should be harvested.
5. Disease control: The downy mildew of lettuce mainly damages the leaves. Symptoms: At the beginning of onset, the leaves are round or polygonal or greenish or yellow-green spots on the leaves. The white mold layer grows on the back and the lesions turn brown later. Dry. Control methods:
Rotation: Two- or three-year rotations with other crops.
Field management: Use robust, disease-free seedlings when planting. Strengthen cultivator, fertilizer and water management, timely drainage, reduce the humidity in the field. The diseased plants were found to be removed in time, buried or burned.
Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, 75% Chlorothalonil 600 times solution, or 40% EDOP 400 times solution, or 72.2% Prec 800X solution, or 72% Kelu 750 times solution can be sprayed. The above agents are preferably applied alternately, once every 5 - 7 days, and sprayed 2 - 3 times.
Symptoms of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: Damage to the stem base of the plant, resulting in water-spotted lesions, brown, decaying afterwards, and withering on the ground. When wet, fibroids grow on the lesions and form gradually afterwards. Control methods:
Rotation: Implement a 3- to 4-year rotation.
Field management: rational close planting, improved ventilation, proper watering, and reduced field humidity.
Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, 50% carbendazim 500 times, 50% chlornitrosulfide 1000 times, or 50% nellide 1000 times, once every 7 days, can be sprayed 2 - 3 times.

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